
The soundtrack of my 2024.

Now You Feel Me
Volume 1

We backkkkk! This playlist just been a vibe for me lately.. With everything going on in the world.. I feel like this playlist is a vibey reminder to live in the moment and cherish the days and things we DO have. Be your best self always! Anyways.. Enjoy! Love & Blessings always.

Week 06/19

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap. So you never know what you’ll get..  but it may be something you fw.. let me know.

Some of my vibes of the week ✨

(Listen in order for your listening pleasure lmao

Week 06/12

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap. So you never know what you’ll get..  but it may be something you fw.. let me know.

Some of my vibes of the week ✨

(Listen in order for your listening pleasure lmao)

Week 06/05

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap.

The theme of my playlist this week was to show some songs that’s been giving me some type of comfort while everything’s been going on in the world. Maybe you’ll find that comfort & hope that things will get better while listening. ✨

Week 05/15

Starting a playlists series cause.. why not? All I do is listen to music all day anyways AND finding new music in quarantine has been getting me through it a bit.

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap. So you never know what you’ll get.. but it may be something you fw.. let me know.

Some of my favorite songs of the week.

(Listen in order for your listening pleasure lmao)

Week 05/22

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap. So you never know what you’ll get.. but it may be something you fw.. let me know.

Some of my vibes of the week ✨

Week 05/29

I listen to a a lot of music.. anywhere from old music to new music from r&b to trap. This week my choice of songs came from my heavy heart of what we facing in America today. Praying for better days! Maybe this playlists will help you reflect if you haven’t already!

RIP Breyona Taylor

RIP George Floyd

RIP Ahmad Arbery